Home › Our latest news › Westland Enhances Road Safety with Installation of 16 EVOLIS Radar Speed Signs
Since 2023, the city of Westland, Michigan, has been actively engaged in an ambitious road safety plan. With a $109.000 grant, the Westland Police Department has initiated the gradual installation of 16 EVOLIS Vision radar speed signs. These devices aim to moderate vehicle speeds near schools and high-traffic areas, ensuring increased safety for all road users.
Since the project’s inception in 2023, the city of Westland has focused on reducing speeding, particulary near schools and in high-traffic areas. The EVOLIS Vision radars, funded by a generous $109.000 grant, play a crucial role in this effort. Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik emphasizes that these devices are strategically installed to address the concerns of citizens and local authorities.
The radar locations were chosen based on high-traffic areas needing enhanced safety, notably in front of educational institutions such a Adams Upper School and Stevenson Middle School. Additional installations are planned in various neighborhoods across the city.
Source: Westland has 16 new radar speed signs (hometownlife.com)
The EVOLIS Vision radar speed signs play an educational role by raising driver awareness about the importance of adhering to speed liits, especially in sensitive areas. By displaying vehicle speeds in real-time and preventive messages encouraging drivers to slow down, these radars promote more responsible and safer driving behaviors.
For more information on the EVOLIS Vision and how they work, you can visit our EVOLIS product page.
Effective Radar Speed Signs to reduce speeding and enhance road safety