Home › Our latest news › Review of the installation of Radar Speed Signs in Westlaco: what’s the outcome?
In january 2023, the city of Westlaco, Texas, took an initiative to enhance road safety around schools. Four EVOLIS Vision radar speed signs were installed. This measure aims to raise driver awareness of speed limits and reduce accidents in these high-traffic areas. What’s the outcome of this action?
Westlaco authorities hope these tools will help drivers remember and adhere to speed limits. Strategically placed near schools, particularly Beatriz Garza Middle School, these devices primarily remind drivers of speed limits and encourage them to slow down.
Early observations show a significant decrease in average speed in the targeted areas.
Albert Aldana, an engineer from Westlaco stated, “We are always looking to improve our community’safety, and this is one way we believe we can help our community better respond to existing signs and ensure our children’s road safety“
EVOLIS Vision radars real-time vehicle speeds accompanied by preventive messages.
This instant feedback directly influences driver behavior, encouraging them to adjust their speed. Thanks to this educational device, the city of Westlaco has significantly improved traffic flow and reduced the risk of accidents near schools. Additionally, the radars will be relocated each month, allowing a broader area of the city to be covered and optimizing their effectiveness.
Weslaco’s commitment to road safety doesn’t stop here. Local authorities are already planning to extend this program to other sensitive areas of the city. The goal is to make Weslaco a model city for road safety.
If you have a project aimed at reducing speed in your community, contact us today. Our solutions are designed to enhance safety and effectively raise driver awareness. To learn more about our EVOLIS product and discover how we can assist you, visit our EVOLIS product page.
Effective Radar Speed Signs to reduce speeding and enhance road safety