How can the municipality protect its citizens from high speed in town?
Cities are places where drivers, cyclists, bikers, and pedestrians of all ages share common areas like roads, commercial zones or parking lots. These areas are the heart of the local community and must be protected.
Speed is one of the number one complaint in cities and towns
Enhancing the monitoring of high-risk road areas is a priority for municipalities. In small towns as in larger cities, common places like school zones or commercial areas must be safe for pedestrians and road users.
Crosswalk safety signs near schools, for example, will have a direct and immediate impact in reducing risks of accident and enforcing speed limit. It has been shown that speed sign radars are very impactful on drivers by reducing immediately their speed by 25%. And we have more data to convince you.
80% of drivers will slow down when alerted by a radar sign and the overall compliance with the posted speed limits will go up by 30-60%. As you can see, speed sign radars have a direct impact on your road safety!

Elan City’s speed sign radar: the solution for your roads safety policy
If you are a mayor or sheriff, Elan City has the solution to make your roads safer. With our speed signs radars we can provide you with the best solution to protect your road users. In small towns, you can place a radar at your city limits. In large cities, you can combine permanent and portable speed sign radars to protect main and arterial streets, school zones, neighborhoods, and more.
Elan City’s radars also provide direct assistance in managing and improving traffic flow in your city using traffic counting cameras. This traffic count service enables public administrations to collect data and enhance traffic flow throughout the city.
With our effective, reliable, and affordable speed sign radars, Elan City offers the ideal solution for improving road safety and making your city’s roads safer.
Find out the product you need
Our best-selling model worldwide due to its versatility. Perfectly suited for small towns and big cities, EVOLIS Vision guarantees you sustainable monitoring of your roads.
EVOLIS Mobility
Our portable version of the radar speed sign is perfectly suited to small towns. With its low price, it allows you to protect your roads whenever you want at a low cost.
Our giant version of the speed awareness radar. This version designed for major arteries allows drivers to see their speed from a greater distance. Perfect for big arteries of big cities, EVOLIS XL will also fit with high-speed roads in smaller cities.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do radar speed signs work? Are they a proven solution?
When drivers are made aware of their current speed, there is an immediate and sustained slow-down, with speeds decreasing by 25% on average. We have also analyzed that 80% of drivers will slow down when alerted by a radar sign and the overall compliance with the posted speed limit will go up by 30-60%.
To avoid drivers becoming desensitized to the effect of radar speed signs, different solutions are possible:
- Relocate the radar speed sign. Our lightweight and portable signs can be moved to different locations, targeting high-risk areas. This lets you cover different common zones (school, commercial areas) and maintain driver awareness of speed limits.
- Customize the display message. By adding specific messages when drivers exceed speed limits, you can grab drivers’ attention. This message is followed by an additional prompt to slow down.
- Enable spy mode. With this mode activated, the radar speed sign continues recording speed data even when the display is off. This mode allows you to compare driver behavior with and without the speed indicator and offers you valuable insights into the long-term effect on traffic behavior.
Is the radar robust? What about vandalism?
The pole-mounted EVOLIS Radar Speed Indicator Sign is built with a study and waterproof single-piece design using reinforced ABS-Polycarbonate resin, ensuring durability and resistance to the elements. This robust construction also makes the sign resistant to vandalism or accident.
For additional security, the product comes with a 2-year warranty for total peace of mind.
What is the optimal location for my radar speed display?
Ideal location: The most suitable to install the radar are areas within your community, where speeding causes a significant concern, as proven by frequent car accidents or public demand to reduce speed, like school zones or commercial areas.
Radar units are particularly effective at the entrance of populated areas or crosswalks, serving as reminders for drivers to slow down upon entering a town. Placing them near schools, crosswalks or intersections will have an impact on the safety of pedestrians, particularly children and vulnerable people.
Installation Safety and Regulations:
- The radar should be installed on the right-hand side of the road, facing traffic, and positioned as close to perpendicular to the road axis as possible.
- The radar speed sign must be mounted at a height of at least 7 feet to avoid obstructing pedestrian pathways.
Key Installation Metrics:
- The radar’s Doppler antenna can detect incoming vehicles from as far as 1000 feet away.
- The speed display updates every 1.1 seconds, ensuring virtually real-time feedback to drivers.
What are the power sources? Which one should I choose?
According to our data, 80% of local authorities have chosen a radar speed sign with the solar option because of its practicality, its efficiency and its green impact on your city.
Elan City proposes 4 power sources options:
- Solar connection: The radar speed sign is self-sufficient, equipped with two batteries and powered by a 95-watt photovoltaic panel, ensuring year-round autonomy.
- Electric: The radar speed display can be powered by a constant electric current or connected to the public lighting network, with a minimum requirement of five hours of nightly charging
- Dual Power: This option integrates both solar and electrical connections, offering a reliable backup power source. For instance, if solar power is insufficient due to a lack of sunlight, the system can switch to electricity. Similarly, solar power can serve as a backup if the connection to public lighting fails to provide the necessary five hours of charge.
- Batteries: The system includes two batteries and an external charger, providing between 7 and 10 days of autonomy.